Gospel artist Dr Udoka Obi

Gospel artist Dr Udoka Obi



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Gospel artist Dr Udoka Obi popularly known as UD Obi is out with her highly anticipated song titled FATHER OF MERCY, accompanied by the lyric video. Father of Mercy was inspired by how merciful our God and Father is, by sacrificing his son, Jesus Christ on the cross to pay the price for our sins. So even when we were still sinners, he showed us mercy. Many verses in the bible remind us of God’s mercy for us. The Bible relates mercy to love and forgiveness. Father of Mercy as song is a call for us all to return to God our father, who promises to all of us, a relationship based on forgiveness, compassion, love, reconciliation, truth and mercy.

Gospel Artist Dr Udoka Obi On YouTube



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Dr UD Obi is passionate about spreading the word of God through music. Dr UD Obi’s other songs can be accessed through her YouTube channel, and it includes, Christ is Born to Us and The Kingdom is You both released in 2021. UD Obi - YouTube Dr UD Obi holds a doctorate degree in Engineering and is also a keen entrepreneur.      

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